Dear Friends, my email account was hacked. I am not stranded in Europe, I am home and fine. If you received email from me asking for $4,000. it was spam from a hacker. I apologize.
Dear Friends, please DO NOT CLICK on a link that says, ohmygod this is the funniest video ever. My email was hacked, and the message is spam. I apologize.
Dear Friends, my email was hacked. I did not send you a picture, please DO NOT "check this out!" It's spam from a phishing site. I apologize.
Dear friends, I did not win a free iPad by clicking on this site. my Facebook account was spammed. I apologize.
Dear Friends, I have lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks on the Paleo-Blitz "Workout Like A Caveman" plan. Click here for a free membership to the Spa Di Duncannes, with worldwide club privileges and a "Lose While You Sleep" fat burner. You will automatically receive a GPS Menu Chronograph Rollex watch, and 10 sessions with a massage therapist from Sweden or Thailand or both.