Wednesday, July 8, 2009


and all your friends say Fuckyoudeath, Leave my Friend Amy Alone


Boomchick said...

Duncan faced the militia and didn't FLINCH when they bullied him - (those big brave guys with their guns drawn) Duncan didn't FLINCH when shooting footage long long days in a Louisiana prison... start early... work all day... into the night... And then the young producer says: "gee.. I was on the phone while you were shooting.. let's shoot it again so I can watch you do it this time"
This ain't NOTHING for Duncan Blitz - he's a rock star.

AMY said...

would that be the same producer on both shoots? was her middle name "trouble?" ya, i tink so.

Boomchick said...

producer was same same? (as my beloved Thai mother in law would say) Now THAT'S funny ! Same circus, different clowns... :)

AMY said...

and, for the hat trick, she produced another Diane shoot, a week in a convent, that never made air. trouble, i tell you!